In this profession, we meet lots of emerging artists we love, but I think the two we're featuring here were the youngest. They're about five and six years old. Check out some of their beautiful work. Seriously, I'm not joking, these kids have talent. It probably helps that their devoted mom is also an artist. This one reminded me of a certain Very Hungry Caterpillar. But inborn talent aside, what else makes this art look so great? The simple white frames, of course. They're from IKEA. These girls' creative mom wanted to give them an inspiring playspace. She had already installed colorful cubbies and a fun (but sturdy) carpet. Once those were in place, she picked out the best pieces from her kids' time at preschool and ordered a stack of simple white frames in various sizes. We took things to the next level by laying out a gallery wall collage on the wall above the cubbies. Once we had cut the templates to a precise size, we did the tricky part: adjusting them until the spacing is right. By the way, notice the three large boxy pictures at the end. The homeowner originally wanted all three large pictures there, but the templates showed that we'd be running into the thermostat with that placement. After consulting with her, we made a quick adjustment with a smaller frame (art to be determined later). The end result looks like something out a colorful art gallery display. And of course, the art is simple to swap out as the girls' tastes mature. If you're stuck on what to hang in the kids' playroom, maybe it's time to dig through that pile of cool pictures your little geniuses have painted.
And once you've got the frames together and it's time to install it, give us a call! We'll help you get the spacing and layout just right, which is the other element that makes the difference between "preschool" and "Picasso." Comments are closed.
9:00 am to 5:00 pm, M-F 828-649-5242 Owner: Arthur Teel 113 Rector Branch Road Marshall, NC 28753 |